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Corp. Hours: 7:45 am - 3:45 pm
School is Delayed

Parent Drop-off and Pick-up


**All transportation changes must be made prior to 2pm daily


AM Drop-off:  Please pull in the South Circle driveway.  Pull up to the sidewalk and an adult staff member will be there to assistant and direct.

PM Pick-up:  Line up in the South Circle driveway.  Student dismissal for car riders is at 3:06.  Students line up behind the corresponding cone for their grade.  The person picking them up must be on the Car pass.  Changes or additions need to be called into transportation (351-2035) by 2pm daily.

If you also have a middle school student to pick up, you may specify the elementary student to be middle school pick up.  These students line up in the elementary and are walked over to Middle School (M3) pick up area by a staff member. You must park on the North end of the Middle school and check in with the staff member that is with your student.

Middle School:

AM drop-off:  Please use the drive at the North end of the Middle school.  Student should enter the North Middle School Door (M3).

PM Pick-up:  Please park on the North Side of the Middle School.  The middle school dismisses at 3:20pm daily.  Students for pick up will exit the North middle school doors (M3) to the parking lot. If there is a change in normal routine for pick up those need to be communicated to the school (351-2377) by 2pm daily.